Episode 210
MSP Dispatch is your source for news, community events, and commentary in the MSP channel.
Hosted by: Ray Orsini and Tony Francisco
Give us your feedback by emailing news@mspmedia.tv
On this episode of MSP Dispatch we cover CISA extending the feedback period for the CIRCIA reporting rules.
Story Links:
- CISA Courts Private Sector to Get Behind CIRCIA Reporting Rules
Notable Mention:
- Google Just Patched the Fifth Zero-Day Exploit for Chrome This Year
Today’s episode made possible by: OITVOIP http://go.oit.co/mspdispatch
Connect with our hosts:
– Tony Francisco: https://www.linkedin.com/in/tonyjfrancisco/
– Ray Orsini: https://www.linkedin.com/in/rayorsini/
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