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MSP Dispatch is your source for news, community events, and commentary on the MSP channel.
Hosted by: Ray Orsini
Give us your feedback by emailing news@mspmedia.tv
Ray Orsini sits with Wes Spencer of EmpathMSP and Will Young of Bering McKinley to learn what each company has in store for the MSP community – and their latest collaborative announcement while attending IT Nation Connect 2023!
Watch our special report for a better understanding of prescriptive vs. descriptive controls, the mutual benefit of peer groups, and how to get an early discount on peer group membership in 2024.
Connect with our host:
- Ray Orsini: https://www.linkedin.com/in/rayorsini/
Connect with our guest:
- Wes Spencer: https://www.linkedin.com/in/wesspencer/
Will Young: https://www.linkedin.com/in/youngwill/