On today’s AI Roundup, we cover more impending AI doom, plus the push to watermark AI generated content, and finally a look at OpenAI’s Guide to Best Practices for GPT.
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Story Links:
- New Statement Signed by the Likes of OpenAI’s Sam Altman Warns of AI’s Extinction Risk
- https://odsc.medium.com/new-statement-signed-by-the-likes-of-openais-sam-altman-warns-of-ai-s-extinction-risk-ba3e936d58cd
- Google and Facebook urged by EU to label AI-generated content
- https://www.theguardian.com/technology/2023/jun/05/google-and-facebook-urged-by-eu-to-label-ai-generated-content
- GPT Best Practices
- https://platform.openai.com/docs/guides/gpt-best-practices/strategy-provide-reference-text
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0:00 Teaser
0:46 Opening
2:07 The Big Picture: New Statement Signed by the Likes of OpenAI’s Sam Altman Warns of AI’s Extinction Risk
4:08 Actual Impact: Google and Facebook urged by EU to label AI-generated content
8:14 Use Case: GPT Best Practices