On today’s AI Roundup, we’re debunking more images that duped the internet like a mobile library and a black bear posing for selfies on the beach. Plus we’re hitting several more stories from AI junking up Etsy to territorial AI standoffs.

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0:00 Teaser

0:40 Opening

Actual Impact

2:05 AI-Generated Junk Is Flooding Etsy

4:40 AI Used at World Cup to Identify 300 Making Abusive Online Postsi

6:23 The Grammys Outline New Rules for AI Use

The Big Picture

8:02 Is the AI Stock Boom a Dot-com-style Bubble? 

9:38 France Makes High-profile Push to be the A.I. Hub of Europe

11:09 OpenAI Lobbied the E.U. to Water Down AI Regulation

AI Alert!

13:30 Mobile Library in Italy

15:03 Black Bears Spotted Surfing the Ocean Waves